Envisions Math

Envisions 2.0 is the math program we use in first grade. Below you will find Parent Letters for each topic describing topic objectives and strategies I will be teaching. Also, topic Vocabulary Cards can be printed and used at home for practice and understanding.

Topic 1: Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems to 10
Home-School Parent Letter 1
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 2: Develop Fluency: Addition and Subtraction Problems to 10
Home-School Parent Letter 2
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 3: Addition Facts to 20: Use Strategies
Home-School Parent Letter 3
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 4: Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies
Home-School Parent Letter 4
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 5: Work with Addition and Subtraction Strategies
Home-School Parent Letter 5
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 6: Represent and Interpret Data
Home-School Parent Letter 6
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 7: Extend the Counting Sequence
Home-School Parent Letter

Topic 8: Understand Place Value
Home-School Parent Letter 8
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 9: Compare Two-Digit Numbers
Home-School Parent Letter 9
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 10: Use Models and Strategies to Add with Tens and Ones
Home-School Parent Letter 10
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 11: Use Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens
Home-School Parent Letter 11
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 12: Measure Lengths
Home-School Parent Letter 12
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 13: Time
Home-School Parent Letter 13
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 14: Reason with Shapes and their Attributes
Home-School Parent Letter 14
Vocabulary Cards

Topic 15: Equal Shares of Circles and Rectangles
Home-School Parent Letter 15
Vocabulary Cards