April 13, 2018

Junior Achievement

Mr. Kos from Junior Achievement

Our first week back from break was a busy one! Mr. Kos from Junior Achievement came into our class to teach us about wants, needs, our community, businesses, good, services, and diplomas. The children had the chance to be entrepreneurs by inventing their own businesses with friends. We will have a chance to practice our new vocabulary at the West Side Market in May... More information coming soon. 

  • BW3 reading cards came home this week. Just have your child read 10 books or chapters and initial the card. Take it to BW# for the incentive!
  • Pennies for Patients has begun at Redwood for  Next week only, April 16-20.  Students can bring in coins in their penny bank provided. All donations 
  • It’s time for the annual Redwood Elementary Library Fundraiser. The Barnes and Noble Bookfair is this weekend at Crocker Park.  This event is Sunday, April 15thPlease make sure to use the B & N voucher if making a purchase which is good in the store on the 14th and 15th. Online sales are good 4-15/19. The ID#12319281 needs to be on the receipt so that the school will get credit. Buffalo Wild Wings in Avon Lake is also participating. Thank you so much for your support.
  • This week in reading our big queston was "What sounds can you hear? How are they made?" We read the stories Now, What's That Sound?, Whistle for Willie, and What's That Sound? We practiced using the phonics sounds ou & ow as in OUCH!
  • In math, we finished our measuring unit and even practiced measuring using inches. 
  • Next Week: 
    • Picture Day- April 18
    • Spring Fling with Mom- 6:30-8:00pm
    • Pennies for Patients