September 7, 2017

Week of September 5th

  • Image result for clip it chart
                                      Image result for avon lake logo
  • AVON LAKE SPIRIT DAY Tomorrow (Friday)! To kick off our football season and show city pride, wear your favorite Avon Lake Spirit Wear tomorrow! If you don't have AL spirit clothes, wear maroon and gold, or any football team colors. 
  • Scholastic Book Orders are due in class or online tomorrow (Friday, September 8th). Class code GZDXL. The link to scholastic is also on the left side of blog. 
  • If anyone would like to be a chaperone for our library field trip on September 20th from 1:00-2:15, please email me. I can accept the first 5 volunteers! I will email back with confirmation and more information about chaperoning that day.
  • This week's High Frequency Words (HFW): what, school, not, does
  • Reading: We read the stories  Jack Can, Nat and Sam, and Rules at School. We have been working with word families that have short a sound, such as the -at,-am,-an family. 
  • In Math, we continued learning part+part=whole. Then, the students were given a whole, and asked to find the missing part.  Today's math was on comparing how many more items someone has. Please review the math that comes home throughout the week. We will have a small quiz on topic 1 next week. 
  • In science, we began learning the difference between living and non-living things. We will dig deeper into the needs of plants and animals next week.
  • PTA membership reminders came home today. Signups are online this year with the option to pay at school. Please use the link (click here) to sign up and enter your payment info online or send your money in a marked envelope to school. The class at Redwood that has the most memberships wins a class party!!!
  • We started using the class clip it chart this week! A few students have made it to blue for making positive/ kind choices or for setting a good example for others. After blue is purple and then pink. Keep in mind, pink is really hard to accomplish!! Getting to pink in one day means exceptional behavior and the student will earn a jewel!