September 27, 2017

Spirit Week Next Week!

  • SIGN UP to be a Center Helper or Guest Reader!! If you would like to help out in our classroom, check out the options on the sign up genius! Specific dates and times are given to work with our class calendar in October & November. Please choose one time, and then check back in a few days if you would like to select more dates. This gives all parents a chance to help! :)
  • Conference sign ups are open! Conferences will be on October 12th from 8:00am-7:30pm. Please click the link to reserve your spot!
  • This week in reading, we read stories to answer the question: What makes a good pet? The story Flip was a fantasy about a dinosaur that sneaks into school and makes a huge mess! We went on a word hunt to find words with blends and bonus letters. We continued to work with the words be, come, pull, good. 
  • In math, we learned the following strategies: doubles, near doubles, and ten frames. Near doubles is a bit tricky but once understood, can help students add quickly. For example if  3+3=6, then the near double 3+4=7, or 3+3+1 more makes 7. We sang this neat song about doubles... see if your child can remember his or her doubles facts!
  • In science, our bean plants are growing tall! We are being great observers and journaling how the beans are changing from seed to plant. Bean plants will come home soon so plant them in soil to be sure they survive with the soil's nutrients.