September 15, 2017

Part+Part=Whole Addition

  • In reading this week, we learned the HF Words: very, down, up, & out. We read Six Chicks and practiced sequencing the story using the transition words first, next, then, last. We learned that bonus letters (double letters) are l,f,s,z and sometimes t; like the words fill*, cliff*, mess*, jazz*. You will notice bonus letters always get a star by their extra letter. The glued sound "all" gets a box around the word like ball and mall. We will be working with bonus letter and glued sounds all year long!
  • In math we continued to break apart a whole number to find the missing part. We practiced story problems with putting together, taking away, and comparing. Ask your child what "partner, partner, partner STOP" means! We will review Monday and quiz next week on topic 1 math. ABCya Marble Math is a great way to practice part + part = whole.
  • In Social Studies, we began to learn laws vs. rules and the importance of both. Today was Constitution Day and we read a mini book about who created the Constitution, why, and how it is still followed today. 
  • In science, we continue to learn about living and nonliving things and their needs.  Next week we have a field trip to ALPL about this topic. 
  • A signup genius went out to volunteer for PTA party planning. If you'd like to help with parties, become a PTA member and sign up to help us!
  • Picture day is September 27th. More info and picture forms will come home next week.
  • AL Spirit Wear order forms are due back to school by 9/20.