Hello Families!
Welcome back to school and Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great winter break and that you were able to have quality family time together. I am glad to be back in the classroom to finish out the reminder of the school year with your children. Please check this website weekly for important information, upcoming dates, and academic topics covered during the week. I typically update the information every Friday afternoon.
Field Trip Chaperones Needed: We are going to Avon Lake Public Library on Wednesday, January 15th from 1:15-2:45. I am looking for 5 chaperones to meet us at the library. Please email me at Kimberly.kozar@avonlakecityschools.org if you are interested. I will confirm back with you the final details, as I can only take 5!
At Home:
- Math HW: Please continue to return math homework to school by Friday! As we progress towards second grade, you will find math homework coming home more frequently, about 2-3 times per week depending on the math lesson taught that day.
- Raz-Kids: Read books on Raz-Kids at least once per week. Check the back of your child's folder for Raz-Kids login information. This is an awesome resource to build reading fluency and comprehension. Each student is given different books depending on their individual reading needs. Logging in once per week is recommended, but please feel free to have your child login more often if you choose!
- Mini Paper Books: Occasionally, we make and read small paper books in class. These typically correlate with the phonics skill we're learning that week. When we're done, they are sent home. Please have your child reread these books to you and then store them in a bag or safe place so they can be read again with you or independently!
Yoga Wednesdays: We will begin having
Yoga during the recess periods on Wednesday's beginning on
January 8th. The form is here:Yoga
Waiver.docx and will also be available in the office for those
interested in participating. If your child is interested in participating in yoga on Wednesdays, please return the form to school.
Fitness Club Sign Up: Click this link to fill out form --> Fill out
What: Fitness Club for students in grades 1 - 4 only (not kindergarten).When: Tuesday’s starting January 21th through March 24th.
Where: Redwood’s gym and hallways from 3:20 - 4:05. Please be on time to pick them up no later than 4:05.
Why: To exercise and socialize with friends
How: Parent volunteers are needed to monitor the walking course. Please fill out the volunteer section of the permission slip to indicate your availability. Please come a little early to the gym between 3:15 - 3:20.
DEADLINE to fill out this form is January 17th..... no later please!
Pick - up Procedure: We are asking the 1st and 2nd grade students exit the front main entrance and 3rd and 4th grade students exit the cafeteria southwest exit. Older siblings must pick up younger siblings and go to the southwest exit (between cafeteria and music room). Please be very specific about what your child should do at dismissal. For example: meet me at the flag pole, sit with your brother on the bench outside the gym, look for our car as I pull around the circle. Please be patient the first couple of weeks with dismissal.
We will keep track of cumulative miles walked after each club meeting. These miles will take us on a visit to many interesting places throughout the world that we will speak of in class. Interesting facts will be shared with students over the morning announcements.
********Please fill out a separate form below for each of your children to attend. DEADLINE is January 17th. ********
Fill out form
Questions? Contact Jason Hayne by email Jason.Hayne@avonlakecityschools.org