It's been great getting to know the students so far! This week we completed "About Me" posters so I could learn all of their favorite things. Then we made New Years goals and made new years party hats, too. Wednesday we had a penguin day where we read about penguins, did penguin math, and wrote our favorite facts about penguins. In science, we started our unit on solids, liquids, and gases. We learned new vocabulary words: viscus, transparent, and translucent.
Yearbook: Yearbook order forms are due January 31. Order online or return the form to school. Forms went home Thursday.
COSI Volunteers:
Volunteers are needed to assist with this traveling assembly, which will cover the topic "Exploring Ecology" with students in grades K-4 on Wednesday February 5, 2020. Our class visits COSI that day from (10-10:30) if you'd like to see your child during this time!
Kalahari Redwood Friends and Family Night is March 5th!
Take advantage of the day off of school, treat the family, AND escape the cold
weather! Significant discount and it helps Redwood
too. See Flyer - Redwood
Night Kalahari Flyer Questions? Email Jenefer Machovina -
Glow Night: Glow Night is February 4th from 7-8:30 pm. We have new additions to make the night even more fun for the families of Redwood. This year we will have a DJ Dance party! Your child should have received a flyer this week. Glow Walk 2020 (1).pdf Register by 1/29 to get VIP Entry! Questions? Contact Bryan or Jenefer Machovina - First graders are allowed to be dropped off or can be with an adult. All adults will need a ticket to enter the event, but volunteers get in free! Please read the flyer for more information.Yoga Wednesdays: Yoga Wednesdays: We will begin having Yoga during the recess periods on Wednesday's beginning on January 13th. The form is here:Yoga Waiver.docx and will also be available in the office for those interested in participating. If your child is interested in participating in yoga on Wednesdays, please return the form to school.
What: Fitness Club for students in grades 1 - 4 only (not kindergarten).
When: Tuesday’s starting January 21th through March 24th.
Where: Redwood’s gym and hallways from 3:20 - 4:05. Please be on time to pick them up no later than 4:05.
Why: To exercise and socialize with friends
How: Parent volunteers are needed to monitor the walking course. Please fill out the volunteer section of the permission slip to indicate your availability. Please come a little early to the gym between 3:15 - 3:20.
DEADLINE to fill out this form is January 17th..... no later please!