November 30, 2017

Important December Dates

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  • Snowflake Shop: Our class will be visiting the Snowflake Shop on December 6th @ 9:30 am. If your child is planning on buying gifts during this time, please send back the list of names, money, and filled out gift tags by December 6th. Click the link to volunteer:!/showSignUp/10C0D4CAAA82EA0F58-redwood1
  • Winter Singing Concerts- First grade is singing on December 13th from 9:15-9:45 am. We are located on the right side of the stage, as you look at the stage. Finding a spot to sit on the left side of the gym might be helpful.
  • MAPS Testing- Our second MAPS test of the year will be on Monday December 4th and Monday December 11th, both afternoons. Please help your child get plenty of sleep both Sunday nights and encourage them to try their best!
  • Mrs. Speier, our guidance counselor, will be coming into our room on Fridays to teach guidance lessons. Her first unit it called Skills for Learning and focuses on listening skills, focusing attention, following directions, and staying on task.
  • Polar Express Day: Wednesday, December 20th is Polar Express day in first grade! Our entire day will include activities based on the Polar Express. Your child can wear pajamas, slippers, and robes to school this day. They can bring a small blanket if they choose. We will have indoor recess and end the day watching the movie The Polar Express. Warm pajamas are recommended, even though we are staying inside for recess. 
  • This week in Reading our BIG question is: How Can You Find Your Way Around? We are learning all about the types of maps and how they can help us navigate around different places. The new spelling sound we learned was   -tch  as in "ch" (watch, latch, catch). We continue to focus on the suffix -es. We practiced finding the main idea and 3 supporting details of text. 
  • New High Frequency Words: around, by, many, place, walk
  • In math, we are working on our trickiest unit so far! See if your child can solve some of the equations below & make up equations of your own!
    • Finding unknown numbers (4 + ___ = 13)
    • Deciding if equations are true or false (5+8=12-3  true or false)
      • hint- have them show you how to "connect, connect"
    • Solve word problems with 3 addends (7+3+6=__ )