- This week we began Unit 2 week 2 in Wonders. The essential questions are: What buildings do you know? What are they made of?
- New high frequency words: could, live. one, then, three
- We have been reading many different versions of The Three Little Pigs and then identifying the characters, setting, and events that take place on each page of the story. We know these stories are fantasies because the animals are talking!
- We are working with 's contractions like: she's, he's, it's, and let's.
- Check out this fun contractions rap that we sang to learn what exactly a contraction is. /https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar58NnHb1rk
- Log onto wonders for additional games to practice contractions at home. Login information is on the back of your child's take home folder.
- We practices adding the suffix s and -es to words like: boxes, foxes, branches, and buzzes. See if your child can chant our new rule to you: "When a word ends in x,z,s,ch, or sh add -es."
- In math, we completed Topic 3 and quizzed on Friday. We will begin Topic 4 Monday (Subtraction Facts to 20).
- Next Friday November 10th is hat day. Bring $1 to wear a hat and raise money for the Jeremy Cares Foundation.
- Muffins with Mom is in 2 weeks! Moms, grandmas, aunts, or older sisters are invited to come to school at 8 am to enjoy a muffin with your child. We ask that only "one girl adult" attends muffins with mom per student. The dates are split as: Last names A-M on November 15 and last names N-Z on November 16.
- Kisses from Heaven is collecting items to send to the hospitals for parents with babies in the NICU. Please see the flyer for more information on how you can make a difference:
Events Coming Up: