August 5, 2018

Welcome to First Grade!

Welcome to first grade! My name is Kim Kozar and I am looking forward to starting my 10th year at Redwood Elementary.  I am eager to meet my new class on our first day of school-August 22nd! It's going to be a wonderful year filled with great accomplishments and amazing memories.

Students and Parents are invited to join me for Open House @ Redwood on August 20th anytime between 4:30 and 6:30 PM in room 1. Please have your child bring his or her supplies this night and the student info sheet I sent home through the mail. Your child will be able to see the classroom, meet classmates, and sort supplies to help make your child's first day run smoothly.

Get a head start on subscribing to this classroom blog by entering your email on the left side of this page. You MUST check your email for subscription confirmation to accept updates. Subscribing will allow you to automatically receive blog post updates through email to stay up to date on all of the fun and exciting adventures happening in our class!

Please use this blog to find more information about the events and expectations of first grade. The tabs at the top contain a lot of details on what we're learning, links to important websites, and current academic ideas your child should know.

I am excited to start the school year and meet my new students in just 2 weeks!
~ Mrs. Kozar