January 11, 2018

Week of 1/9 & 1/16

    Image result for the nice mitten
  • Welcome back from a long, extended break! We are back into the groove of first grade with reading and math!
  • In reading this week, we learned the High Frequency Words: upon, once, happy, from, any, so. We focused on learning about folktales by reading The Nice Mitten and The Foolish, Timid Rabbit. 
  • We learned the sounds of soft c and soft g. Soft c makes the same sound as "s" like the words: nice, race, and mice. The soft g makes the same sound as "j" like the words: gem, cage, and stage. I introduced the sound of "dge" which also sounds like "j" as in pledge and fudge. We will continue to practice these sounds next week as we explore more folktales. 
  • In math, we began Topic 7: Extending the counting sequence. We are exploring the 120's chart and the beginning stages of place value with the tens place and the ones place. Next week, we will group objects by 10's and 1's to help us count faster and to prepare for topic 8: Place Value. 
  • No School Friday 1/12 for Teacher In-service, and no School Monday 1/15 for MLK Jr. day.
  • Glow Walk Forms are due back to school by 1/31. The Glow Walk is 1/9 from 7-8:30pm. Please see the yellow flyer that went home Thursday.
  • Fitness Club begins next Tuesday 1/16 and children may only stay after school to participate if they returned their permission slip.