- Outback Ray was the highlight of our week, bringing many amazing animals to our school. He shared about their diets, habitats, and other fun facts. Outback Ray let us pet snakes, turtles, chinchillas, a rabbit, a guinea pig, and a gecko.
- In math, we began Topic 8: Understanding Place Value. We practiced grouping objects in sets of ten and having leftovers. Then, we began to learn about the hundreds, tens, and ones place value by exploring flats, longs and cubes.
- In reading, our essential question this week was: How is life different than it was long ago? We explored a variety of stories and texts to learn more about the past. We used a venn diagram to compare and contrast life long ago and today. Finally, the students wrote an opinion piece to share if they would rather live like long ago or today.
- Our High Frequency words next week are: done, soon, every, after, work, buy.
- Yearbooks for 2017-2018 are for sale for $16 on the Lifetouch website: https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/SelectJob The code for Redwood is 11600718 and orders are due February 23rd.
- Kahalari Night for Redwood is March 1st. Special room rates are available. Please read the flyer that came home Tuesday to learn more about this trip.
- Valentines Day Information:
1. Write Out Valentines: On February 14th, the children will be passing out Valentines during our class party. Use the class list below if you’d like to get a head start on writing them. Remember to include everyone!
2. Make A Mailbox: Please use a large shoebox or other box to make a Valentine’s Day mailbox together with your child at home! Spend some quality time together and be creative. Make the opening large enough. In years past, kids have made the lid detachable to open and close, so the child doesn’t have to rip open the box afterwards.
3. Bring Both to School When Completed. Here is a list of names in our class:
- Today in class, we used the story The Snowy Day to guide our fun! We started off by reading about a boy named Peter that wakes up to a lot of snow outside. He goes on a long walk and enjoys playing in the snow in many ways. Then, we mixed up glue and shaving cream to make our own snowy day scene with Peter. We also watched the short movie Snowy Day and compared the movie to the original story.
- Next week's focus in reading is: How is life different than it was long ago? We will read the stories Life At Home, Long Ago and Now, and From Horse to Plane.
- We will learn how to use commas when writing dates such as: Saturday, June 6, 2018.
- Our new High Frequency Words are: ago, boy, girl, how, old, people
- In math next week, we will be grouping objects by 10's and 1's, counting up by 1's and 10's on an open number line, and finding missing numbers on a 120 chart. We will quiz topic 7 next week as well.
- Glow Walk Forms are due back to school by 1/31. The Glow Walk is 1/9 from 7-8:30pm. Please see the yellow flyer that went home last Thursday for more info!
- Welcome back from a long, extended break! We are back into the groove of first grade with reading and math!
- In reading this week, we learned the High Frequency Words: upon, once, happy, from, any, so. We focused on learning about folktales by reading The Nice Mitten and The Foolish, Timid Rabbit.
- We learned the sounds of soft c and soft g. Soft c makes the same sound as "s" like the words: nice, race, and mice. The soft g makes the same sound as "j" like the words: gem, cage, and stage. I introduced the sound of "dge" which also sounds like "j" as in pledge and fudge. We will continue to practice these sounds next week as we explore more folktales.
- In math, we began Topic 7: Extending the counting sequence. We are exploring the 120's chart and the beginning stages of place value with the tens place and the ones place. Next week, we will group objects by 10's and 1's to help us count faster and to prepare for topic 8: Place Value.
- No School Friday 1/12 for Teacher In-service, and no School Monday 1/15 for MLK Jr. day.
- Glow Walk Forms are due back to school by 1/31. The Glow Walk is 1/9 from 7-8:30pm. Please see the yellow flyer that went home Thursday.
- Fitness Club begins next Tuesday 1/16 and children may only stay after school to participate if they returned their permission slip.