October 12, 2017

Fantastic Fall Info

Hat Day

Avon Lake Spirit Day

  • Halloween Drawing contests came home Monday. Have your child design a costume for Mrs. Schneider and fill out the student info at the bottom. Return to school by October 16th. 
  • Redwood's Pumpkin Festival is  Saturday,  October 21st! Pre-Order your tickets with the form that came home Tuesday. Send the form back in by Tuesday Oct. 19th for early ordering. 
  • We had an assembly today to learn how we can earn money for our school through Stoller Baked Goods. Check out the info that came home today for order forms and prizes! The Butter Braids are DELICIOUS! Please return the order form by Wednesday, October 25!
  • Redwood's Holiday Singing Program is on Wednesday, December 13th
    • 9:15-9:45 AM Kindergarten/ All Day Kindergarten/ 1st Grade 
    • 10:45-11:15 3rd Grade and Choir 
    • 12:30-1:00 4th Grade and Choir 
    • 1:45-2:15 2nd Grade and Choir
  • It was great to meet with all of you for Fall conferences! The students are working so hard and I can see their progress! Keep logging into RazKids and Odyssey Compass Learning. Your child's username and password was given to you in the conference folder you took home. Please login at least once per week to access their individual learning path for extra help and enrichment! The link to Odyssey Compass Learning is on this blog, under the "Fun Websites" tab. 
  • You will also find a link to Wonders (under the "Fun Websites" tab) where your child can reread our class stories and play games directly related to concepts & High Frequency Words we are learning each week in class. Every week, the Wonders  games, high frequency words, and stories change, so check back weekly for new content and HFWords your child should master!