October 31, 2017

October 26, 2017

Community Jobs & Halloween Info

Look, a job in our community!

How to Carve a Pumpkin Science & Writing

Scooping out the Seeds!
  • This week our BIG question is: What jobs need to be done in our community? We read the story Millie Waits for the Mail about a silly cow that helps a mailman do his job... and ironically, a mail truck appeared! So we had to snap a quick picture! 
  • We also read Good Job, Ben! to learn the short e sound. In the story, Ben meets workers in his community like a librarian, bus driver, crossing guard, and construction workers. We used this story to identify the characters, setting, and events on each page.  We say "the setting is where the story takes place." See if your child can identify these parts of a story when you read together at home. 
  • Our new High Frequency words are again, help, new, there, use. We completed a noun sort (person, place, thing) and learned the suffix -ed. The suffix -ed can make 3 sounds:
    • -d, as in spilled
    • -t, as in camped
    • -ed, as in blasted
  • In math, we continue to learn different strategies to add and subtract within 20. We learned the following strategies: doubles, doubles +1, doubles +2, and make 10 to add. 
  • In Science, we continue to explore living things- like pumpkins! We wrote a "How To" paragraph on carving a pumpkin. We went through the steps together and then used the transition words first, next, then, last in our writing. 
  • On Halloween, the children can wear their costumes to school in the morning. Please no weapons as props. Pack masks in book bags and when the children get in the classroom, they can put them on. We will be parading around the school @ 9:00 am, so if the costume shoes are tricky to walk in, maybe just wear tennis shoes! Also, please send in a change of clothes in a plastic bag, in their  bookbag. We will be changing out of costumes before recess/ lunch. OR- wear a change of clothes under their costume.
Indoor Recess Creations

October 18, 2017

Monster Mash Math

Even Monsters Need Haircuts Listening Center

  • The annual Redwood Pumpkin Festival is this Saturday, October 21st 11AM-2PM. Pre-Sale ticket forms are due back to Redwood no later than October 19th! Please consider volunteering or simply donating items for the Redwood Pumpkin Festival on October 21st. This is our Fall fundraiser and the success of the event is because of our PTA and volunteers. Please click on the link to see how you can help:Pumpkin Festival 2017
  • WOW (Walk on Wednesday) theme next week is invite a friend - meet our class by Redwood's front doors at 9:00am to walk a few laps with your child. We are also collecting old shoes to be recycled and re-purposed through Planet Aid. Please bring old shoes to be collected until the end of the month! We have a container in our front lobby.
  • Redwood is collecting broken crayons to donate back to schools, hospitals, and art programs in need. If you'd like to help, send in a bag of any crayons you're not using. Every crayon counts!
  • We  have a guest illustrator, Steve Harper, coming to Redwood for an assembly! If you'd like to order autographed copies of his books, send in the order form to school by 11/3. Orders sent by 11/3 will take home the books that day, when Mr. Harper finishes the assembly. (Late orders will be accepted on 11/8 but books will be delivered at a later time.)
  • Today, first grade went through the Fire House that AL Fire Department brought to Redwood. The children worked with the firefighters to identify safe and unsafe things in a home that could cause a fire. We also read Curious George and the Firefighters and Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill.
  • In reading, we are reading stories about how our body moves. We worked on naming adjectives (action words like jump, skip, and swim) and we worked on possessives (words with 's like "Sam's book" or "Jim's house"). Remember, the Wonders Link under the "Fun Websites" tab is a way to re-read and play games that correlate with what we are learning in class. 
  • In math this week, we reviewed using a number line to add numbers up to 20, creating and using an open number line, and using doubles +1 for quick mental math. 

October 12, 2017

Fantastic Fall Info

Hat Day

Avon Lake Spirit Day

  • Halloween Drawing contests came home Monday. Have your child design a costume for Mrs. Schneider and fill out the student info at the bottom. Return to school by October 16th. 
  • Redwood's Pumpkin Festival is  Saturday,  October 21st! Pre-Order your tickets with the form that came home Tuesday. Send the form back in by Tuesday Oct. 19th for early ordering. 
  • We had an assembly today to learn how we can earn money for our school through Stoller Baked Goods. Check out the info that came home today for order forms and prizes! The Butter Braids are DELICIOUS! Please return the order form by Wednesday, October 25!
  • Redwood's Holiday Singing Program is on Wednesday, December 13th
    • 9:15-9:45 AM Kindergarten/ All Day Kindergarten/ 1st Grade 
    • 10:45-11:15 3rd Grade and Choir 
    • 12:30-1:00 4th Grade and Choir 
    • 1:45-2:15 2nd Grade and Choir
  • It was great to meet with all of you for Fall conferences! The students are working so hard and I can see their progress! Keep logging into RazKids and Odyssey Compass Learning. Your child's username and password was given to you in the conference folder you took home. Please login at least once per week to access their individual learning path for extra help and enrichment! The link to Odyssey Compass Learning is on this blog, under the "Fun Websites" tab. 
  • You will also find a link to Wonders (under the "Fun Websites" tab) where your child can reread our class stories and play games directly related to concepts & High Frequency Words we are learning each week in class. Every week, the Wonders  games, high frequency words, and stories change, so check back weekly for new content and HFWords your child should master! 

October 5, 2017

Apple Experiments & Homecoming Parade Info

Walk on Wednesday CLE Spirit Day!
  • In reading this week, we have been reading stories about friendship, such as Toss, Kick, Hop. The story Friends All Around helped us learn about friends in different parts of the world and traditional games played together in other countries. 
  • We learned the digraphs kn (as in knot) and  ph (as in phone).  We also reviewed wh, th, sh, ck, and ch from kindergarten. The kids practiced marking their digraphs with one underline, like chick  or  wish. We keep reading and writing words with blends, bonus letters, the suffix s, and digraphs. Sample words your child should be able to read and write are: shops, hall, chills, toss, ships, brush, chimp, stick, chest, crash, stack, etc. Ask your child if they can mark those words up!!
  • For math this week, we continue to learn addition and subtraction strategies. We learned:
    • Flip Flop Facts (turn around facts) 3+4=7 and 4+3=7
    • Related Facts 4+2=6 so 6-2=4
    • Using Number Lines to Subtract with story problems
  • New words this week: fun, make, they, too
  • In science we did apple experiments! We turned into little scientists and explored everything we could about apples! We made predictions if the apples would be sweet or sour and then tasted them. We graphed our favorite tasting apple and discovered the star of seeds when the apple was cut in half. We tested our hypothesis' to see if the apples changed colors in Mountain Dew, cranberry juice, blue Gatorade, or Pink Lemonade. Finally, we used a balance scale to determine how many pattern blocks, dice, coins, Popsicle sticks, and cubes our apple weighed!
  • This weekend is Homecoming so it is time to have fun with the Redwood float! All students are invited to join us for the parade this Saturday, October 7th. Please meet us at Bleser Park along the basketball courts by 10:00. This year’s theme is Redwood Rocks! featuring decorations and music all centered around the 80s! If possible, please have your child wear 80s themed clothing to help show our school spirit! And it wouldn’t be a real parade without candy – please bring candy for your child to toss to the spectators. The parade begins at 10:30 and should be wrapped up by 11:30 for pickup back at Bleser Park. If you would like to help decorate the float, we will be gathering at Redwood afterschool Friday with lots of cutting and attaching to do! If possible, bring along a pair of scissors and even a staple gun to help us rock out the float! Kids are welcome to help too. Any questions, please contact Holly Kessler (hollykessler@centurylink.net)
  • Next Week: Wed. Oct 11th- WOW theme is hat or crazy hat day