February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day

This week in reading, our phonics pattern was long o, spelled like oa (boat), oe (toe), and ow (bow). Since it makes the long vowel sound, we mark it up with a long line over the vowel team. Our High Frequency Words were: find, food, more, over, start, warm.

In reading, we practiced reading long o patters using books about animals surviving in nature. We read Go Wild, Fish Faces, Go Gator, Beautiful Birds, and Fantastic Fish. We worked on finding the main idea and supporting details of these non-fiction texts.

In math, we took a quiz on Topic 9: Comparing numbers with tens and ones. Then, I introduced analog and digital clocks. We learned the face, the minute hand, and the hour hand on analog clocks. They learned how to tell time to the hour using the term o'clock. The students logged onto Splash Math and worked on  parts of an Analog Clock and Telling Time to the hour. We will continue to dive into telling time to the hour and half hour next week

  • Random Acts of Kindness week is next week! Redwood is trying to fill up our front showcase with random acts of kindness the students have done. We sent home a card stock paper for the kids to write their kind gestures on. Cut them out and return them to school as each act of kindness is done. We discussed that a random act of kindness is something a child does without asking for a reward or praise in return. Random acts of kindness can really brighten someone's day!
  • Yearbook orders are due February 22nd.

February 8, 2019

100th Day Fun!

The last two weeks in phonics, we learned the vowel teams ai and ay sound like long a, as in rain and pay. We also learned the vowel teams ea and ee sound like long e, as in leaf and tree.  Our HFWords were: because, blue, into, or, other and small. Next week, our focus is Unit 4 Week 3 on the High Frequency Word List, sent home in the report card envelope!

In reading, we have been learning about how animals help each other in animal teams. We read a lot of nonfiction texts, with captions and charts. Our focus was finding the main idea and key details of each story. We read Animal Teams, A Team of Fish, Busy as a Bee, and Bats! Bats! Bats!

Math this week was focused on finding 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, and 10 less both mentally and using a 100 chart, & then comparing numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to. We watched a quick video on the alligator chomping the biggest number when using the symbols >,< and =. We will quiz topic 9 next week before Valentine's day.
  • Glow walk pre-ordered tickets went home Monday. Your child can still buy tickets at the door, Friday, Feb. 8th @ 7pm. 
  • Feb. 14th- Keep working on those Valentine mailboxes and writing out names on cards. Please send them to school anytime, or by Feb. 14th.
  • Feb 15th- No School: Staff In-service day
  • Feb. 16th- Magic gives back magic show. 
  • Feb 18th-No School Monday: President's Day
  • Yearbook order forms also came home Monday. Orders are due February 22nd.