March 23, 2018

Last Week of School Before Spring Break

Disability Awareness Week
  • Mom and Son Spring Fling Dance
    April 20th from 6:30-8:00 in Redwood gym and cafeteria. $10 check and ticket form due by April 13th. 
  • Barnes and Noble Book Fair @ Crocker Park
    Sunday, April 15th from 12-2:30 work displayed, scavenger hunt, Redwood Choir Performance, and Story time with Curious George. See yellow flyer that came home Friday for more information. 
  • Redwood Arts Night Next Week
    Come one, come all to the 3rd annual Redwood Art's Night! On March 28th, from 4-8 pm the halls of Redwood will be transformed into an art gallery, showcasing the talents of every one of our Redwood students. Come and see the amazing artworks that have been created this year. The Redwood Art Club will have 9 pieces of custom painted furniture that will be available for sale in our silent auction. To cap off the evening, the Redwood choir led by Mrs. Orr will provide entertainment with a special concert. Mark your calendars for this fun, festive evening of celebrating the arts at Redwood!
  • District Staff basketball game
    On Tuesday, March 27th at 7:15PM at the high School Avon Lake Staff will play basketball. All proceeds go towards Avon Lake student scholarships. Adult tickets are $5 and student tickets are $3.
  • Marco's Pizza Box Night
    Boxes are colored and ready for box night Tuesday, March 27. Remember to mention Mrs. Kozar's class online or over the phone so Redwood and our class get's the credit!! We are close to the $10,000 prize!
  • In math we concluded our unit on basic fractions. Next week we will review previous skills and when we return from spring break we will finish our last 3 units in math for the year!
  • This week in reading we read stories about the sky. We completed planet reports with a partner and practiced phonics skills while reading about astronauts. 

March 16, 2018

The Mouse and the Motorcycle!

Reading in the Hall for Read Across America Week

The big reveal for The Mouse and the Motorcycle

  • This week in reading we read the stories The Lost Button, A Barn Full of Hats, and Sort it Out! We classified objects by size, shape, and color. Our High Frequency words were: four, large, non, only , put, and round. In phonics, we learned the r-control sound "ar" like car and star.
  • In math, we continued to explore 2D and 3D shapes. Next week we start parts of shapes and basic fractions. 
  • Disability Awareness week will begin the week of 3/19. We will learn about and celebrate people with disabilities to create awareness and acceptance. We will have an assembly, $1 hat day 3/20, meet a famous para Olympian, wear tshirts 3/23 and conclude with an assembly.
  • Donuts with Dad at Redwood Elementary! Please RSVP below for Donuts with Dad (or Grandpa, Uncle, brother, etc.) One adult only please. Donuts with Dad is Weds. March 21 from 8am-8:45am AND Thursday March 22 from 8am-8:45am (choose one). Donuts, coffee and milk will be provided. Scholastic Book Fair will be open to purchase books and items from the Spring Book Fair! Please click this link to RSVP: Fill out form

March 9, 2018

Jump Rope For Heart & Disability Awareness Week

  • Jump Rope for Heart information came home Tuesday! Our jump party in gym will be on March 27th and all monetary donations to the American Heart Association is collected on or before this day as well!
  • Read Across America week is March 12-16th. We will read in class, read in the hallway, read with buddies, wear a shirt with words on 3/16, and kick off the One District One Book again this year. The special book will be revealed during an assembly that week. Each child will receive the book to read at home and a fun packet to complete for the chance to earn prizes at school.
  • Disability Awareness week will begin the week of 3/19. We will learn about and celebrate people with disabilities to create awareness and acceptance. We will have an assembly, $1 hat day 3/20, meet a famous para Olympian, wear tshirts 3/23 and conclude with an assembly.
  • Donuts with Dad is @ 8:00 am on 3/21 (last names A-M) or 3/22 (last names N-Z). Children can bring dad, an uncle, or older male friend during this time. 
Basketball Jones Assembly
  • Basketball Jones came to Redwood this week to spread kindness and encourage good work habits in our students. He had many important messages like: Keep on trying if you don't succeed, have courage to try new things, spread love not hate, stand up and do the right thing!
  • This week in Reading we learned how animals and people can work together to help one another. We learned the high frequency words: found, hard, write, woman, & near. 
  • In phonics, we learned that when words end in y or ey they sound like long e, as in monkey and key. 
  • This week in math we explored 2D and 3D shapes. We learned to describe the shapes by their attributes like: size, shape color, # of vertices, # of flat faces, and # of edges.